February 14, 2023

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My personal website at https://www.tamarasiuda.com got a complete revamp this week, with the addition of a bookstore ( https://www.tamarasiuda.com/shop ). There is also a new book (well, a new edition of an old book!) to be found there, a translation of an important ethical text contained in the Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead.

Not bad for also juggling massive numbers of doctors appointments, tests, and hustling up the bills this week. But still behind on a lot of work and needing to hustle harder for the moment.

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It seems to be that time of year for me to do a bunch of medical tests to find out what’s wrong since we can’t seem to figure it out from the tests we already did. It seems to be that time of year for me to do a bunch of medical tests to find out what’s wrong since we can’t seem to figure it out from the tests