
35left June 8, 2024
freeceedsmall copy June 3, 2024
061124lecture June 3, 2024
021624 February 16, 2024
010424 January 4, 2024
010124 January 2, 2024
octoberlecture October 28, 2023
061923 June 19, 2023
smallCEED June 19, 2023
Friday the gallbladder left the body. May 10, 2023
More bookends. April 25, 2023
030123 March 1, 2023
It seems to be that time of year for me to do a bunch of medical tests to find out what’s wrong since we can’t seem to figure it out from the tests we already did. February 19, 2023
021423 February 14, 2023
bookstoread February 14, 2023
Today marked the end of the significant changes my editor asked for on the encyclopedia. January 4, 2023
So yes, we are going to reboot this thing for Gregorian 2023. December 31, 2022
I posted a snippet of a story related to June 7 on my Patreon this afternoon. June 7, 2022
Yesterday I moved furniture (gently! May 31, 2022
Small bit of exploratory surgery on the 20th. May 29, 2022
I’ve not posted here in an age, although thanks to the extraordinary time bend which has been the Years of Our Pandemic it simultaneously feels like yesterday when I was angsting about my manuscript. May 17, 2022
50 days to go until the 100 Gods of Egypt manuscript is due. May 1, 2021
September must have gone to keep August company. October 7, 2020
where did August go? September 2, 2020
Sunday evening I marked my 51st birthday quietly, after a hot day in coronavirus lockdown, and a disappointing dinner which I cooked incorrectly. July 20, 2020
This morning, I failed my medical tests so badly that the doctor stopped after the first two and told me to come back and try again next month. July 2, 2020
Still hot, still busy. June 25, 2020
It’s Tuesday. June 23, 2020
Today’s schedule June 22, 2020
Conversations about work started before I was even out of bed this morning. June 17, 2020
Sitting in an online class to learn how to use Discord in a better way for my Patreon. June 16, 2020
As I post, every few minutes or so, a flashbang grenade or a round of teargas canister explosions goes off, and there are helicopters and sirens. June 1, 2020
First weekend of heat. May 10, 2020
It’s only been two weeks since my last post, then? April 17, 2020
The Big Project has a tentative name. April 2, 2020
I agreed to be interviewed for a podcast in a few hours. March 27, 2020
I had a clever idea for a post and by the time I got a chance to type it, it’s gone. March 15, 2020
A new project has appeared, involving a television script. February 29, 2020
The sun appears occasionally, in the midst of rain we should’ve been getting all of December but didn’t. February 16, 2020
The anemones have started to bloom in the garden box. January 31, 2020
Wrote my biography for the university’s graduate profiles website today. January 26, 2020
Clearing out the to do lists and preparing for another week. January 24, 2020
Middle of a set of three 12-hour days. January 23, 2020
For the third day in a row, I’ve been stood up for appointments that people made with me. January 22, 2020
Another Gregorian year comes to pass. January 6, 2020
Tomorrow afternoon is my third and final chemotherapy treatment. December 13, 2019
Second Friday treatment went better than the first month. November 13, 2019
Made it through week 3 and most of week 4 of my treatment. November 6, 2019
Week two has begun and the side effects have fully settled in. October 18, 2019
One week down. October 11, 2019
I killed a laser printer. September 22, 2019
I think I have fallen in love with typography all over again. September 1, 2019
Writing to say there isn’t much to write about, except that’s not true entirely. August 15, 2019
I took time off over the last few days, the first in a long while. July 15, 2019
Now July, and preparing to be 50. July 8, 2019
“No matter how exotic human civilization becomes, no matter the developments of life and society nor the complexity of the machine/ human interface, there always come interludes of lonely power when the course of humankind, the very future of humankind, depends upon the relatively simple actions of single individuals. June 26, 2019
(testing a new post) June 18, 2019
I need to learn how to give my photo posts some commentary in Blot. June 17, 2019
goodluckwiththat June 9, 2019
So, the box garden is surviving for the most part. June 7, 2019
Home again. May 20, 2019
hooding0519 May 19, 2019
For the first time in 2019, the thermostat in my car said that it was 100 degrees F outside, for a minute this afternoon. May 10, 2019
Today the doctor checked in with me on the blood tests I did last week. May 7, 2019
april20garden May 4, 2019
The dogwood tree outside my new (well, since November now) bedroom window is finally in bloom. May 4, 2019
You know those pithy sayings about how you can’t pour from an empty cup? April 16, 2019
Happy 2019. January 3, 2019
Successfully defended my dissertation Friday morning (30 November) in Southern California. December 1, 2018
The dissertation is turned in. November 10, 2018
My dissertation deadline was extended. October 3, 2018
“For the ‘Romans,’ it didn’t matter much whether the lions were eating a robber or a bishop, and it probably didn’t make much of a difference to the lions, but the robber’s friends and the bishop’s friends told different stories about those leonine meals. September 16, 2018
I’ve been through twelve centuries of history and at least six languages of material over the last 48 hours. August 28, 2018
Made it through mid-July and the beginning of August, the roughest weeks of every year for me, for a few years running now. August 9, 2018
A few minutes before midnight on July 19, I started year 49 of my sojourn on this side of the sunrise. July 23, 2018
“Data is the sword of the twenty-first century, those who wield it well, the samurai. July 8, 2018