April 25, 2023

More bookends. After another review the conclusion is that I have gallstones, so that will have to be resolved in the near future. Ouch. On the plus side: treatable, even if painful. I find myself deeply relieved to have an answer I can do something with for a change of pace.

Otherwise I am continuing to do all the things, waiting on answers, completing edits for the big encyclopedia project (my own book) and the online encyclopedia project (one that is not my own work but I do contract editing work for). Spring is finally attempting to begin and the gloom of the Pacific North-wet has been punctuated by sunlight more than once this week. Seamus has learned that songbirds are even more exciting than the crows when they sit in the tree outside his window. I have learned that it’s fun to watch him watching them.

Later in the week I must travel again, to lecture out east. Hopeful it will be a less stressful experience than my flight home last summer that granted me a free case of COVID and that it all goes well.

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030123 Today’s entry is a bookend to the last one . The good news is that today is a year since Seamus of the Million Toes (this is a real name that the
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Friday the gallbladder left the body. Due to a pharmacy short staffing I was unable to get any of the medication the surgeon suggested would help me