July 8, 2019

Now July, and preparing to be 50. No idea when that happened, but it must have, as 50th anniversary of the moon landing” news is everywhere. It’s nice to have been born on a day that tied to a specific historical event sometimes. It means you never get to forget how old you are. Age is, of course, a number, but it’s also a feeling. The last few months I am definitely noticing feelings - and most have to do with pain. Bifocals, arthritis, feeling those muscles a bit more than I used to, lines where there weren’t lines before… aging has a bit more to do with pain than we think about on a daily basis, I suspect. Or is it that youth provides enough distraction that one doesn’t think about the various pains, physical and otherwise, that contour our lives? My youth had a fair amount of pain in it, so I don’t know that that is any different. Taking the notice of some changes in my reflection simply as more experience and not judging it.

Three potentially large projects in sight right now. Interviewed for one of them last week; should take a call on the second this week. The third got very interesting at the beginning of June, then suddenly went quiet. Not sure if I need to poke it or be patient. Wrestling with suspense in all three cases. There are things I’d love to speak about but can’t yet (or possibly ever), and it’s hard to contain my excitement.

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“No matter how exotic human civilization becomes, no matter the developments of life and society nor the complexity of the machine/ human interface, there always come interludes of lonely power when the course of humankind, the very future of humankind, depends upon the relatively simple actions of single individuals. “No matter how exotic human civilization becomes, no matter the developments of life and society nor the complexity of the machine/ human interface,
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I took time off over the last few days, the first in a long while. I wasn’t able to clear full days - too many deadlines to make that work - but I