May 29, 2022

Small bit of exploratory surgery on the 20th. Nothing was found. This is both good news (who needs more problems?) but frustrating news because it means I still have no answers for some health issues we’ve been checking into for a while now that I mentioned in my previous post. Mixed Feelings in general about this and so many other things going on in the world right now. Worrying about family who are ill as well.

Since I am having trouble keeping up with my blog I think I’m going back to the micro blog” plan from the beginning. Maybe only a paragraph will appear, maybe some days I’ll have more to say. But it is good to try to keep some sort of record of what a day was like, somehow. Perhaps this is more important when all the days bleed into each other. Or it’ll prove to be too boring and I’ll have to give myself topics. Time will tell.

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I’ve not posted here in an age, although thanks to the extraordinary time bend which has been the Years of Our Pandemic it simultaneously feels like yesterday when I was angsting about my manuscript. I’ve not posted here in an age, although thanks to the extraordinary time bend which has been the Years of Our Pandemic it simultaneously feels like
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Yesterday I moved furniture (gently! ) so I can install the portable air conditioner in the office. Seamus, my new feline companion who arrived in